Anyblok / Pyramid mainly depends on:

Add route, view, ... in pyramid config

By includeme

  1. define the view in one file

in the file

from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid.response import Response

def say_hello(request):
    return Response('Hello %(name)s !!!' % request.matchdict)
  1. define the entrypoint function

    in the file

    def update_pyramid_config(config):
        config.add_route('hello', '/hello/{name})

By blok

  1. define the view in one file of the blok

in the file

from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid.response import Response

def say_hello(request):
    return Response('Hello %(name)s !!!' % request.matchdict)
  1. add the class method pyramid_load_config

    in the file

    from anyblok.blok import Blok
    class MyBlok(Blok):
        def pyramid_load_config(cls, config):
            config.add_route('hello', '/hello/{name}')
            config.scan(cls.__module__ + '.views')

Get AnyBlok registry in view

By default the registry load is the registry of the Configuration db_name key.

Define a simple view:

from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid.response import Response

def bar(request):
    registry = request.anyblok.registry
    nb_installed_bloks = registry.System.Blok.query().filter_by(
    return Response("Welcome in AnyBlok application, you have %d installed "
                    "bloks" % nb_installed_bloks)

Define view which are used only if one blok is installed

See the link view and route predicated

the goal of the prédicate is to get the access of the route or the view only if the predicate condition is validated. AnyBlok / Pyramid add the predicate installed_blok:

from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid.response import Response

def bar1(request):
    """ This is the default view """
    return Response("Welcome in AnyBlok application, you have 0 installed "

@view_config(route_name='foo', installed_blok='anyblok-core')
def bar2(request):
    """ This view id call if the anyblok is installed """
    registry = request.anyblok.registry
    nb_installed_bloks = registry.System.Blok.query().filter_by(
    return Response("Welcome in AnyBlok application, you have %d installed "
                    "bloks" % nb_installed_bloks)


Installed predicated detect if the registry is load, without registry, the installated blok can no be verify.


you can use the current_blok function to not write the blok name:

from anyblok_pyramid import current_blok

@view_config(route_name='foo', installed_blok=current_blok())
def bar2(request):
    """ This view id call if the anyblok is installed """
    registry = request.anyblok.registry
    nb_installed_bloks = registry.System.Blok.query().filter_by(
    return Response("Welcome in AnyBlok application, you have %d installed "
                    "bloks" % nb_installed_bloks)

Define the name of the database

The name of the database determine the registry use by the view.

By default the name of the database come from the Configuration db_name key. But it is possible to define a callback to define the good db name.

Define an AnyBlok init function

In the setup of the package add new entry point:

        'anyblok.init': ['get_db_name=package.path:add_get_db_name'],

In the file path of the package add the method add_get_db_name:

def add_get_db_name():
    from anyblok.config import Configuration

    def get_db_name(request):
        return ``My db Name``

    def update_plugins(group):

Define the db name in the request path

This is an example to define the good db name in function of the path of the method.

This example work if the path id define like this:

config.add_route('one_route', '/{dbname}/foo/bar')

The definition of get_db_name is:

def add_get_db_name():
    from anyblok.config import Configuration

    def get_db_name(request):
        return request.matchdict.get(

    def update_plugins(group):

Authentication and authorization

Authentication can be add directly in configuration with includeme.

Links to the official documentation :

Link to an official tutorial If you want to replace default pyramid component by your own:

Add a root factory:

class RootFactory(object):

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

    __acl__ = [
        (Allow, Everyone, 'all'),

Add the authentication callback:

def group_finder(email, request):
    return ("all",)

Add the includeme callable:

def pyramid_security_config(config):
    # Authentication policy
    secret = Configuration.get("authn_key", "secret")
    authn_policy = AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy(secret=secret,
    # Authorization policy
    authz_policy = ACLAuthorizationPolicy()
    # Root factory: only added if set in config file (no default one)

Add the includeme in the entry point:

        'anyblok_pyramid.includeme': [


You can merge the authorization of Pyramid and the authorization of AnyBlok

JSON adapter

In the case where you need to return json value you can format the data with:

  • Define an adapter for the python type:

    def datetime_adapter(obj, request):
        return obj.isoformat()
  • Add the adapter at the pyramid configuration:

    def declare_json_data_adapter(config):
        from pyramid.renderers import JSON
        json_renderer = JSON()
        json_renderer.add_adapter(datetime, datetime_adapter)
        config.add_renderer('json', json_renderer)
  • Add the includeme:

            'anyblok_pyramid.includeme': [


Since 0.7.2, Some adapter have already add in the module anyblok_pyramid.adapter.

from anyblok_pyramid.adapter import datetime_adapter
from pyramid.renderers import JSON
json_renderer = JSON()
json_renderer.add_adapter(datetime, datetime_adapter)
config.add_renderer('json', json_renderer)