Anyblok / Pyramid mainly depends on:

If the scrip anyblok_wsgi is used to start the WSGI application, the you can not declare route and view. AnyBlok / Pyramid define two familly of controller:

  • Controller which no depend of blok
  • Controller which depend of the installation or not of bloks

Pyramid route and view which does not depend of the bloks

The goal is to declare in your application code source the route and the view:

from anyblok import Declarations
Pyramid = Declarations.Pyramid

Declare a view:

@Pyramid.add_view('route name')
def myview(request):


The decorator add_view is just a wrapper of add_view

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated function
  • name: is the route name

Declare a route:

Pyramid.add_route('route name', '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_route

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of Pyramid, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the route name exist in the routes.

Pyramid controller which depend of the installation of the bloks

Theses controllers must be declared in the bloks

The declaration of theses controllers is as the declaration of AnyBlok Model

They are three controllers which can be declared in the bloks:

  • PyramidHTTP
  • PyramidJsonRPC
  • PyramidXmlRPC

The controller can be inherited by Mixin

  • PyramidMixin

The controller inherit also Core and have some feature as:

  • Cache
  • Properties

HTTP controller

Get the Type of controller:

from anyblok import Declarations
PyramidHTTP = Declarations.PyramidHTTP
register = Declarations.register

Declare a view:

class MyController:

    def myview(request):
        # route name == myview

    def myotherview(request):
        # route name == myroute


The decorator view is just a wrapper of add_view

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated function
  • name: the default value is the name of the method or the first args

Declare a route:

PyramidHTTP.add_route('route name', '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_route

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of PyramidHTTP, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the route name exist in the routes.

JSON-RPC controller

Get the Type of controller:

from anyblok import Declarations
PyramidJsonRPC = Declarations.PyramidJsonRPC
register = Declarations.register

Declare a rpc method:

class MyController:

    def mymethod(request):
        # method name == mymethod

    def myothermethod(request):
        # method name == myroute


The decorator rpc_method is just a wrapper of add_jsonrpc_method

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated method

  • endpoint: the default value is the name of the method or the first


Declare a route:

PyramidJsonRPC.add_route(PyramidJsonRPC.MyController, '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_jsonrpc_endpoint

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of PyramidJsonRPC, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the rpc method exist in the routes.

XML-RPC controller

Get the Type of controller:

from anyblok import Declarations
PyramidXmlRPC = Declarations.PyramidXmlRPC
register = Declarations.register

Declare a rpc method:

class MyController:

    def mymethod(request):
        # method name == mymethod

    def myothermethod(request):
        # method name == myroute


The decorator rpc_method is just a wrapper of add_xmlrpc_method

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated method

  • endpoint: the default value is the name of the method or the first


Declare a route:

PyramidXmlRPC.add_route(PyramidXmlRPC.MyController, '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_xmlrpc_endpoint

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of PyramidXmlRPC, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the rpc method exist in the routes.

Pyramid Mixin

Mixin is used to define behaviours on the controllers.

Declare a Mixin:

from anyblok import Declarations
register = Declarations.register
PyramidMixin = Declarations.PyramidMixin

class MyMixin:

Inherit a Mixin by a controller:

class MyController(PyramidMixin.MyMixin):

Inherit a Mixin by another Mixin:

class MyAnotherMixin(PyramidMixin.MyMixin):


The conbroller can inherit PyramidMixin and also Controller of the same Type:

class MyController(PyramidHTTP.OtherController):

Pyramid Core

The Core used by the controller are:

  • ControllerBase: For all the controller
  • ControllerHTTP
  • ControllerRPC
  • ControllerJsonRPC
  • ControllerXmlRPC

Overload a Core:

class ControllerBase:


Add a cache on a controller is as cache on a model.

Declare a cache on a controller:

class MyController:

    def mycachedmethod(cls):

Declare a cache on a Mixin:

class MyMixin:

    def mycachedmethod(cls):

class MyController(PyramidMixin.MyMixin):

Declare a cache on a Core:

class PyramidBase:

    def mycachedmethod(cls):

class MyController:


The instance of controller are not the same for each call. Then use Declarations.cache to cache in only one request else use Declarations.classmethod_cache to cache a method for all the request


Anyblok / Pyramid add two function to use callback:

  • set_callable: save a callback, the name of the callable is the name of the callback
  • get_callable: return a callback in function of this name

for exemple, see the callable get_registry:

registry = get_callable('get_registry')(request)

Authentication and authorization

Authentication can be add directly in configuration with includeme.

Links to the official documentation :

Link to an official tutorial If you want to replace default pyramid component by your own:

Add a root factory:

class RootFactory(object):

    def __init__(self, request):
        self.request = request

    __acl__ = [
        (Allow, Everyone, 'all'),

Add the authentication callback:

def group_finder(email, request):
    return ("all",)

Add the includeme callable:

def pyramid_security_config(config):
    # Authentication policy
    secret = Configuration.get("authn_key", "secret")
    authn_policy = AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy(secret=secret,
    # Authorization policy
    authz_policy = ACLAuthorizationPolicy()
    # Root factory: only added if set in config file (no default one)

Add the includeme in the entry point:

        'anyblok_pyramid.includeme': [


You can get the session, with the callback get_registry:

from anyblok_pyramid import get_callable
# only if get_registry is implemented for you use case
registry = get_callable('get_registry')(request)


You can merge the authorization of Pyramid and the authorization of AnyBlok

JSON adapter

In the case where you need to return json value you can format the data with:

  • Define an adapter for the python type:

    def datetime_adapter(obj, request):
        return obj.isoformat()
  • Add the adapter at the pyramid configuration:

    def declare_json_data_adapter(config):
        from pyramid.renderers import JSON
        json_renderer = JSON()
        json_renderer.add_adapter(datetime, datetime_adapter)
        config.add_renderer('json', json_renderer)
  • Add the includeme:

            'anyblok_pyramid.includeme': [