.. This file is a part of the AnyBlok / Pyramid project .. .. Copyright (C) 2015 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE .. .. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, .. v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can .. obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. .. contents:: CHANGELOG ========= Future ------ 0.3.2 ----- * [REF] cause of upgrade version of AnyBlok 0.4.0 0.3.1 ----- * [FIX] default value for beaker, None is bettaer than '' 0.3.0 ----- * [IMP] console script argsparse for pyramid and beaker * [ADD] MANIFEST.in * [FIX] script cause of remove logging configuration from AnyBlok 0.2.0 ----- * [ADD] configurator callable * [REF] Adapt the import of python module of the blok, cause of the change in AnyBlok version 0.2.2 0.1.0 ----- Main version of AnyBlok / Pyramid. You can with this version * Declare Views / Routes for application * Declare controller (Views / Routes) which depend of the installation of bloks * XHR * JsonRPC * XmlRPC * Possibility to check some property as authentification * Possibility to define properties check