AnyBlok / Pyramid framework

AnyBlok / Pyramid controllers

exception anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidException

Bases: Exception

Exception for web type

class anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidMixin

Bases: anyblok.mixin.MixinType

The PyramidMixin class are used to define a behaviours on models:

  • Add new mixin class:

    class MyMixinclass:
  • Remove a mixin class:

class anyblok_pyramid.controllers.Pyramid

Bases: object

The Pyramid controller is a simple wrapper of the Pyramid controller

Pyramid can scan easily the view declarations to add them in the configuration. But the route have to add directlly in the configuration. This controller do all of them. The route and view are saved in the controller and the controller add them in the configuration at the start of the wsgi server


This case is only use by the script anyblok_wsgi, if you use an another script, you must include the includeme pyramid_config or use the function make_config to get all the configuration

This Type is not an entry, no class are assembled in the registry. You must not add any class of this Type, the methods register and unregister raise an exception.

Add a view:

from anyblok import Declarations

@Declarations.Pyramid.add_view('route name')
def myview(request):


The decorator add_view is just a wrapper of add_view

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated function
  • name: is the route name

Add a route:

from anyblok import Declarations

Declarations.Pyramid.add_route('route name', '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_route

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of Pyramid, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the route name exist in the routes.

classmethod add_route(*args, **kwargs)

Declare a route to add it in the configuration of Pyramid:

from anyblok import Declarations

Declarations.Pyramid.add_route('route name', '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_route

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path
classmethod add_view(endpoint, **kwargs)

Declare a view to add it in the configuration of Pyramid:

from anyblok import Declarations

@Declarations.Pyramid.add_view('route name')
def myview(request):


The decorator add_view is just a wrapper of add_view

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated function
  • name: is the route name
classmethod register(parent, name, cls_)

Forbidden method, this method always raise when calls

  • parent – Existing global registry
  • name – Name of the new registry to add it
  • cls – Class Interface to add in registry


routes = []

Route properties to add in pyramid configuration

classmethod unload_callback()

Clear known routes and known views

classmethod unregister(child, cls_)

Forbidden method, this method always raise when calls

  • entry – entry declaration of the model where the cls_ must be removed
  • cls – Class Interface to remove in registry


views = []

View properties to add in pyramid configuration

class anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidBase

Bases: object


This class is not a controller, but base of HTTP and RPC controller


This class is not the Core.PyramidBase.

The declarations of HTTP and RPC controller is not the same, but they are few difference.

classmethod assemble_callback(registry)

Assemble callback is called to assemble all the controllers from the installed bloks

Parameters:registry – registry to update
classmethod hook_insert_in_bases(registry, bases)

The difference between HTTP and RPC controller are the Core used by them. all of them must inherit of:

  • Core.PyramidBase
  • registry_base
  • registry – the current registry for the controller
  • bases – bases list which define the controller
classmethod load_namespace(registry, namespace, realregistryname=None)

Return the bases and the properties of the namespace

  • registry – the current registry
  • namespace – the namespace of the model
  • realregistryname – the name of the model if the namespace is a mixin
Return type:

the list od the bases and the properties



classmethod register(parent, name, cls_, **kwargs)

add new sub registry in the registry

  • parent – Existing global registry
  • name – Name of the new registry to add it
  • cls – Class Interface to add in registry
classmethod transform_base(registry, namespace, base, properties)

Detect specific declaration which must define by registry

  • registry – the current registry
  • namespace – the namespace of the controller
  • base – One of the base of the controller
  • properties – the properties of the controller
Return type:

new base

classmethod unregister(entry, cls_)

Remove the Interface from the registry

  • entry – entry declaration of the model where the cls_ must be removed
  • cls – Class Interface to remove in registry
class anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidHTTP

Bases: anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidBase

The PyramidHTTP controller is a simple wrapper of the Pyramid controller

At the start of the pyramid server, all routes and all the views must be known. But the routes and views are declared on the bloks. Then the declaration of the routes and the views must be done also if the bloks are not installed. When the controller is called then the view must be validated by the controller to be called


This case is only use by the script anyblok_wsgi, if you use an another script, you must include the includeme pyramid_http_config or use the function make_config to get all the configuration

Add a view:

from anyblok import Declarations

class MyController:

    def myview(request):
        # route name == myview

    def myotherview(request):
        # route name == myroute


The decorator view is just a wrapper of add_view

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated function
  • name: the default value is the name of the method or the first args

Add a route:

from anyblok import Declarations

Declarations.PyramidHTTP.add_route('route name', '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_route

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of PyramidHTTP, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the route name exist in the routes.

classmethod add_route(*args, **kwargs)

Declare a route to add it in the configuration of Pyramid:

from anyblok import Declarations

Declarations.PyramidHTTP.add_route('route name', '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_route

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path
classmethod hook_insert_in_bases(registry, bases)

Define the Core class inherited by PyramidHTTP controllers

  • Core.PyramidBaseHTTP
  • super()
  • registry – the current registry for the controller
  • bases – bases list which define the controller
classmethod hook_view_from_decorators(registryname, cls_)

Save the decorated method by view

  • registryname – registry name of the controller
  • cls_ – the cls of the registry name
Return type:

dict {‘views’: {route name: function} }

routes = []

Route properties to add in pyramid configuration

classmethod unload_callback()

Clear known routes and known views

classmethod view(**kwargs)

Declare a view to add it in the configuration of Pyramid:

from anyblok import Declarations

class My controller:

    def myview(request):
        # route name == myview

    def myotherview(request):
        # route name == myroute


The decorator view is just a wrapper of add_view

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated function

  • name: the default value is the name of the method or the first


views = {}

View properties to add in pyramid configuration

class anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidRPC

Bases: anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidBase

classmethod add_route(*args, **kwargs)

Declare a route to add it in the configuration of Pyramid

classmethod hook_insert_in_bases(registry, bases)

Define the Core class inherited by Pyramid RPC controllers

  • Core.PyramidBaseRPC
  • super()
  • registry – the current registry for the controller
  • bases – bases list which define the controller
classmethod hook_view_from_decorators(registryname, cls_)

Save the decorated method by rpc method

  • registryname – registry name of the controller
  • cls_ – the cls of the registry name
Return type:

dict {‘views’: {route name: function} }

classmethod rpc_method(**kwargs)

Declare a rpc method to add it in the configuration of Pyramid RPC

class anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidJsonRPC

Bases: anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidRPC

The PyramidJsonRPC controller is a simple wrapper of the Pyramid JSON-RPC controller

At the start of the pyramid server, all routes and all the rpc methods must be known. But the routes and rpc methods are declared on the bloks. Then the declaration of the routes and the rpc methods must be done also if the bloks are not installed. When the controller is called then the rpc method must be validated by the controller to be called


This case is only use by the script anyblok_wsgi, if you use an another script, you must include the includeme pyramid_jsonrpc_config or use the function make_config to get all the configuration

Add a rpc method:

from anyblok import Declarations

class MyController:

    def mymethod(request):
        # method name == mymethod

    def myothermethod(request):
        # method name == myroute


The decorator rpc_method is just a wrapper of add_jsonrpc_method

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated method

  • endpoint: the default value is the name of the method or the first


Add a route:

from anyblok import Declarations

    Declarations.PyramidJsonRPC.MyController, '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_jsonrpc_endpoint

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of PyramidJsonRPC, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the rpc method exist in the routes.

classmethod hook_insert_in_bases(registry, bases)

Define the Core class inherited by PyramidJsonRPC controllers

  • Core.PyramidBaseJsonRPC
  • super()
  • registry – the current registry for the controller
  • bases – bases list which define the controller
methods = {}

RPC method properties to add in pyramid configuration

routes = []

Route properties to add in pyramid configuration

classmethod unload_callback()

Clear known routes and known methods

class anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidXmlRPC

Bases: anyblok_pyramid.controllers.PyramidRPC

The PyramidXmlRPC controller is a simple wrapper of the Pyramid XML-RPC controller

At the start of the pyramid server, all routes and all the rpc methods must be known. But the routes and rpc methods are declared on the bloks. Then the declaration of the routes and the rpc methods must be done also if the bloks are not installed. When the controller is called then the rpc method must be validated by the controller to be called


This case is only use by the script anyblok_wsgi, if you use an another script, you must include the includeme pyramid_xmlrpc_config or use the function make_config to get all the configuration

Add a rpc method:

from anyblok import Declarations

class MyController:

    def mymethod(request):
        # method name == mymethod

    def myothermethod(request):
        # method name == myroute


The decorator rpc_method is just a wrapper of add_xmlrpc_method

the args already filled by the wraper are:

  • view: is the decorated method

  • endpoint: the default value is the name of the method or the first


Add a route:

from anyblok import Declarations

    Declarations.PyramidXmlRPC.MyController, '/my/path')


The function add_route is just a wrapper of add_xmlrpc_endpoint

The args already filled by the wraper are:

  • name: is the route name
  • pattern: is the path


It ‘s important to use the add_route of PyramidXmlRPC, because when the view are add in configuration, this view check is the rpc method exist in the routes.

classmethod hook_insert_in_bases(registry, bases)

Define the Core class inherited by PyramidXmlRPC controllers

  • Core.PyramidBaseXmlRPC
  • super()
  • registry – the current registry for the controller
  • bases – bases list which define the controller
methods = {}

RPC method properties to add in pyramid configuration

routes = []

Route properties to add in pyramid configuration

classmethod unload_callback()

Clear known routes and known methods


exception anyblok_pyramid.workingset.WorkingSetException

Bases: Exception

Exception for Working set

class anyblok_pyramid.workingset.WorkingSet

Allow to set and get callback:

ws = WorkingSet._build_master()

def mycallback():
    return True

ws.set_callable(name='callback name', callback=mycallback)
assert ws.get_callable('callback name')() is True

An instance of the WorkingSet is already load by anyblok_pyramid and the method set_callable`and `get_callable is directly accessible:

from anyblok_pyramid import set_callable, get_callable

def mycallback():
    return True

set_callable(name='callback name', callback=mycallback)
assert get_callable('callback name')() is True
get_callable(name, raiseifnotexist=True, default_callback=None)

Return the callable for the wanted callback

from anyblok_pyramid import get_callable

my_callback = get_callable('my callback')
  • name – name of the callback
  • raiseifnotexist – boolean, raise if True and no callback found
  • default_callback – return this callback if no callback found and raiseifnotexist is False
Return type:

return the callback found



set_callable(name=None, callback=None)

Save a new callback

You can set the callback by pointer:

from anyblok_pyramid import set_callable

def my_callback():
    return True

set_callable(name='my_callback', callback=my_callback)

You can set also by decorate the callable:

from anyblok_pyramid import set_callable

def my_callback():
    return True


if you use the decoration mode, the name by default if the __name__ of the callable


class anyblok_pyramid.handler.Handler

Base class for all the pyramid handler.

call_controller(*args, **kwargs)

call the controller function and return the result


Get an instance of the controller

Parameters:request – http request get from pyramid
Return type:instance of Pyramid controller
class anyblok_pyramid.handler.HandlerHTTP(namespace, view)

Handler for all PyramidHTTP controllers


Call and return the result of wanted controller

Parameters:request – http request got from pyramid
class anyblok_pyramid.handler.HandlerRPC(namespace, method)

Handler for all PyramidRPC controllers

wrap_view(request, *args, **kwargs)

Call and return the result of wanted controller

  • request – http request got from pyramid
  • *args – list of argument for rpc method
  • **kwargs – list of positional argument for rpc method


class anyblok_pyramid.pyramid_config.Configurator(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: pyramid.config.Configurator

Overwrite the Pyramid Configurator


Call all the entry point anyblok_pyramid.settings to update the argument setting

the callable need to have one parametter, it is a dict:

def settings_callable(setting):

We add the entry point by the setup file:

        'anyblok_pyramid.settings': [

Call all the entry point anyblok_pyramid.includeme to update the pyramid configuration

the callable need to have one parametter(the instance of Configurator class, self):

def config_callable(config):

We add the entry point by the setup file:

        'anyblok_pyramid.includeme': [



Add in settings the default value for pyramid configuration

Parameters:settings – dict of the existing settings

Add in settings the default value for beaker configuration

Parameters:settings – dict of the existing settings



Add beaker includeme in pyramid configuration

Parameters:config – Pyramid configurator instance

Pyramid includeme, add the static path of the blok

Parameters:config – Pyramid configurator instance

Pyramid includeme, add the route and view which are not added in the blok

Parameters:config – Pyramid configurator instance

Pyramid includemee, add the route and view which are added in the blok by PyramidHTTP Type

Parameters:config – Pyramid configurator instance
anyblok_pyramid.pyramid_config._pyramid_rpc_config(cls, add_endpoint, add_method)

Add the route and view which are added in the blok

  • cls – PyramidRPC Type
  • add_endpoint – function to add route in configuation
  • add_method – function to add rpc_method in configuration



Pyramid includemee, add the route and view which are added in the blok by PyramidJsonRPC Type

Parameters:config – Pyramid configurator instance

Pyramid includemee, add the route and view which are added in the blok by PyramidXmlRPC Type

Parameters:config – Pyramid configurator instance

anyblok_pyramid.scripts module

anyblok_pyramid.scripts.anyblok_wsgi(description, version, configuration_groups)
  • description – description of configuration
  • version – version of script for argparse
  • configuration_groups – list configuration groupe to load